Poultry Inspection, 2nd Ed.


The full colour photographs make this an invaluable tool for all those for whom a knowledge of poultry anatomy, diseases and other conditions is required, including veterinary surgeons and meat inspectors within the abattoir, and also poultry producers who will be receiving condemnation data from these establishments.

Following the success of the first edition, this second edition has been extensively updated and augmented, to better reflect the requirements of its readers. The author has replaced a large number of the diagrams with labelled photographs and expanded the anatomy section to allow a clearer and better understanding of the subject.

The diseases of poultry section has also been updated and now includes photographs of some of the conditions following a basic introductory explanation of the disease process and the body’s response. The Parasites section has also been improved by the addition of photographs.

Importantly, the author has added a guide to performing post mortem examinations on suspect birds.

As with the first edition, this book is designed to provide notes for students in poultry meat inspection and as a revision guide for other students for whom knowledge of poultry anatomy, diseases and other conditions is required, such as vets, environmental health officers and poultry scientists in general.


  • Anatomy/physiology
  • Diseases of poultry
  • Parasites
  • Neoplasia
  • Affections of specific parts
  • Disease and cause
  • Conditions encountered at post mortem inspection in abattoirs
  • Processing conditions
  • An autotopsy procedure
  • Anatomy aide memoire
  • Index


Item #: 1899043460